Shopify Quiz with Dynamic Collection Filtering

What would you like your botanicals to support with? (check all that apply)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with?(select 2)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with?(select 1)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with?(select 2)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with? (check all that apply)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with? (check all that apply)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with? (check all that apply)

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with? (check all that apply)

How do you want to commune with plants?

Would you like hapé to be included in your product recommendations?

Have you worked with hapé before?

Which of these feel most aligned with what you are wanting support with? (select 2)

What strength do you prefer?

Are you interested in ceremonial cacao? If so, select the way you will work with cacao. If not, select "No Cacao Please"

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