
Liquid Black Gold: Himalayan Shilajit

This very special, pure Shilajit is from Dolpo, a remote region of Nepal. It is found above 4500 meters high in the himalayas. There the local people extract the raw stone during the summer months and it is delivered to the traditional doctors for its appropriate purification. It is an alchemical process that results in a pure and safe medicine, specially used for rejuvenation, increasing vitality, and is known as “the destroyer of weakness.”

We are grateful to source for you the highest quality mineral shilajit available, processed by a Traditional Tibetan Medicine Doctor, using ancestral techniques. 

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~Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys
~ Nourishes Blood, Increases Essence
~ Supports Energy Levels and Healthy Detoxification
~ Cleanses Toxins and Supports Cellular Health
~ Rasayana (Tonic to the 7 body tissues)
~ Moves the Blood, Clears Blood Stasis
~ Supports Hormonal Health and Vitality
~ Moves the Blood, Heals Fractured Bones
~ Urinary Stones
~ Promotes digestive secretions and increases absorption
~ Cough, Chronic Bronchitis
~ Settles Wind, Calms the Mind, Eases Pain
~ Antidote to Poisons
~ Kills Worms
~ Skin diseases including Leprosy
~ Helps with stomach ulcers

Shilajit is a rare mineral-rich mixture of organic compounds found primarily in the Himalayan mountains. This superfood has developed over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants.

The 84 organic minerals in shilajit are carbon-bonded, making them extremely bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body. Because of this, shilajit is one of the best superfoods for adding trace minerals to our diets.

Shilajit is also rich in fulvic and humic acids, substances produced by microorganisms in soil that support healthy detoxification in the body.

There are many different types of Shilajit, many different classes of raw stone that can be acquired in different areas of the Himalayas. Pure and well processed Shilajit is very rare in our current market. Anything that is in powder, tablet or capsule should be immediately discarded as it is the lowest quality. Hardened, shilajit is also of very low quality. Resin-like Shilajit is medium quality, and liquid Shilajit is the highest quality but most delicate. Our liquid shilajit undergoes a very intricate process using a purification technique called "yorwa", which comes from the medical tantras of Traditional Tibetan Medicine. This is pure liquid black gold.

The Shilajit we are honored to share with you is directly processed by a senior Tibetan Doctor, Amchi Lhakpa (Amchi is the title given to "doctor" in Nepal) who compounds medicine for many major clinics of Kathmandu.

100% Pure Wildharvested Shilajit From Nepal.

1 oz jar contains approximately 88 servings

**Consumption recommendations are based on use by traditional peoples. This product is not approved by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. All product information is for educational purposes only. We recommend consulting your medical practitioner before beginning treatment.**

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