Copal Blanco [Origin: Mexico]

This copal has a light, sweet, and very pleasant aroma. It can be used for inspiration, attraction, invocation, happiness, and celebration. It cleanses the spirit and assists with spiritual work.This sweet resin uplifts and harmonizes, and will lovingly compliment your practices of prayer, meditation, ritual, and ceremony.

Invocation ~ Purification ~ Upliftment

~Supports prayer work, invocation and ritual offerings
~Offers spiritual purification and energtic upliftment
~A wonderful smudging agent for communing with our ancestors, and for special points on the medicine wheel (equinoxes and solstices)
~Encourages creativity and inspiration

This special Copal Blanco (Bursera jorullense) from Mexico is a wonderfully fresh, soft copal resin with a sweet and pleasant aroma. The Aztecs would burn their copal in ceremonies to ward off spirits and clear negative energies. This is a very special type of copal that fosters creativity, and can be utilized for inspiration, celebration, and honoring. It's joyful smell uplifts the spirits and brings you into a meditative state of mind. The indigenous peoples of Mexico still use their Copal religiously when saying their prayers and performing their healing ceremonies.

Ethically wild-harvested copal tree resin (Bursera jorullense)

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