
Limited Edition Forest Father Hapé

We are thrilled to share a very special grounding hapé from Ninawa Pai de Mata, the Huni Kuin Chief and "Forest Father of Joy". Ninawa is known for his charisma and joyful presence. His medicine is full of love. This hapé is centering and carries a powerful, loving masculine energy to help strengthen your spiritual fibers and bring protection. This medicine is perfect to work with around Summer Solstice time, when the light of the Great Father is illuminating us within and all around. 

Benefits of Forest Father Hapé:
~ Call forth a loving masculine energy to ground, center, and align
~ Connect with the medicine of JOY: Só Alegria (Only Joy!) is Ninawa's moto
~ Cultivate the sacred masculine energies of radiating light, truth, protection, and divine justice.
~ Attune to the Song of Creation with the energy of the Rainforest

Benefits of Hapé (General):
~ Connects you to the Earth, helping you to ground and center yourself for meditation and prayer
~ Clears negativity and stills the mind
~ Offers energetic protection that comes from connecting with the plant, an ally for strength, clarity, and focus.
~ Purifies and cleanses the sinuses and respiratory tract. Used by traditional peoples to treat sinus issues and reduce mucus.
~ Supports the digestive system, stimulates the bowels

We are thrilled to share a very special grounding hapé from Ninawa Pai de Mata, the Huni Kuin Chief and "Forest Father of Joy". Ninawa is known for his charisma and joyful presence. His medicine is full of love. This hapé is centering and carries a powerful, loving masculine energy to help strengthen your spiritual fibers and bring protection. This medicine is perfect to work with around Summer Solstice time, when the light of the Great Father is illuminating us within and all around. 

Hapé is a very sacred herbal snuff, made by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. Hapé, or rapé, is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English and is applied using an applicator to blow the snuff up the nostrils in prayer and meditation. It is used to connect with Mother Nature. This healing snuff is used by traditional peoples to cleanse the mind,purify the thoughts, bringclarity, spiritual alignment, and clear negativity and heaviness from the body, mind, & soul.

The indigenous tribes have been working with this medicine for thousands of years to heal their communities and to connect with the Creator. This plant medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from native lands.

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