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Guatemalan Ceremonial Grade Cacao From the K’eqchi Mayalands

We are so blessed and humbled to carry this sacred cacao in our apothecary, grown in a remote village of 125 families located in the Alta Verapaz department - known as the mountains ofTrue Peace. The village where this cacao comes from is disconnected from the rest of the world except for a footbridge crossing the raging Cahabón river, and because of this, they are still very much connected to their indigenous traditions as they have been able to resist outside influence. For these indigenous families, cacao production makes up 90% of their income.

Ingredients:Organic Cacao Beans from Guatemala

Best for: Mothering, Strong, Wise

Mood:Insight and Inner Work

Tasting Notes (Flavor Profile):Fig, Tobacco, Leather (these are tasting notes, not ingredients)

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General Cacao Benefits:
~ Opens the heart chakra, calling forth more love into our lives
~ Enhances the mood, reduces stress and anxiety
~ Increases focus& creativity
~ Contains theobromine, a compound that has been shown to improve cognitive function and focus.
~ Packed with antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium.
~ Supports heart health and prevention of cardiovascular diseases
~ Contains healthy fats to nourish skin, hair, and nails

Energetics of K’eqchi Mayalands Cacao:
~ Connect with the wisdom of the Great Mother and Pachamama
~ Cultivate loving compassion in your parenting and other relationships
~ Find inner peace and stillness

Ceremonial grade cacao is a pure, raw form of chocolate that is used in traditional indigenous ceremonies and rituals as a means of connecting with the spirit world. Mama Cacao is a powerful plant ally and teacher who lovingly embraces us, bringing teachings, guidance, and sweetness to our lives.

Often referred to as “the food of the Gods”, traditional Cacao was used in ancient Mayan times as a form of currency due to its medicinal properties.  Cacao carries ancient healing wisdom that has been used by traditional cultures for centuries.  It offers spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing, and connects us to the Creator.

This special ceremonial cacao comes from the K’eqchi Mayalands, a remote village that has been able to maintain intact their cultural inheritance and traditions. This medicine comes in the form of cacao chips, rather than in entire 1lb blocks. This makes dosage super easy.

When working with ceremonial cacao, we invite you to utilize prayer and intention and create a ritual around your communion. Below are some tips to creating a sacred ritual with cacao.

Sample Cacao Ceremony:

Prepare the Space: Smudge with copal or another smudging agent to clear the space and invite the spirits of Nature to join you in prayer. You can light candles or put on ceremonial music or add any other elements that you feel called to your ritual.

Intention: Set a clear intention which honors the plant first, then your journey and experience second.

Honor: Take a moment to acknowledge the Original Keepers of tradition, their efforts and sacrifices.

Offering: Make an offering, whether to the spirit of the cacao, the earth, the waters, etc. It’s always good to give thanks by giving back in the form of an offering for all of which we receive. Your offering can be in the form of flowers, copal/herbs, songs, prayers, etc. We always like to offer the best of the best and not just what we have left.

Gratitude: Gratitude is the most important part of our rituals. We give thanks to our ancestors, to the four elements, the four directions, the spirit of the plant(s), the sacred sites, etc.

Organic Ceremonial Cacao From Guatemala.

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