Sweetgrass is considered a sacred plant by many native tribes of North America and is traditionally used as incense in many sacred ceremonies, purifications processes, healing rituals, peace ceremonies, and initiations. It is said to cleanse the spirit and bring sacred messages from the higher planes of existence. These braids are the highest quality on the market, cultivated and braided in prayer by the Mohawk people. Ranging in length from 30" - 36" long.
Sweetness ~ Purification ~ Prayer
~Cleanses the spirit and connects us to higher realms of consciousness
~The sweet smelling smoke cleanses the spirit and brings sacred messages to the higher planes of existence.
~Sweetgrass can be brewed as tea to soothe coughs, sore throats, and the common cold. Also combats against tooth infections and fever.
~Sweetgrass's pleasant aroma can help keep mosquitoes away.
Sweetgrass is considered a sacred plant by many native tribes of North America and is traditionally used as incense in many sacred ceremonies, purification processes, healing rituals, peace ceremonies, and initiations. It is said that the sweet smelling smoke cleanses the spirit and brings sacred messages to the higher planes of existence.
This holy grass has different significance to different communities. To the Anishinaabe Nation (Woodland Indians), it is believed to be the sacred hair of O’gushnan, Mother Earth, and is often braided; with the three sections representing mind, body, and soul. There are typically seven strands of grass per cord. The first seven strands represent the seven generations behind us including our parents, grandparents, etc.; the next seven represent the seven sacred teachings of love, humility, truth, respect, honesty, courage and wisdom; the final seven strands represent the seven generations that will come after us. All in all, sweetgrass is a plant medicine that represents strength and resilience in both family and the community and their connection with Mother Earth.
Sweetgrass purifies thoughts, cleanses the environment, and eliminates negative or harmful energies. This is why it is inherent to any traditional community circle, sharing, or ceremonial space.
The name, Hierochloe odorata, literally means “fragrant holy grass” and the vigorous, energetic plant has been regarded as holy, protected, and sacred worldwide everywhere it has been cultivated and reverently harvested.
Sweetgrass, when dried and used as a tea, is also useful for healing sores in the mouth, relieving the pain of a toothache, and reducing fever.
To Smudge Your Home With Sweetgrass:
1. Begin by saying a prayer aloud or silently, telling the Creator your reasons for smudging. While holding the sweetgrass braid, light one end. Let the flames die out so the end is tipped with orange-red embers and produces a fragrant smoke.
2. Using your hand or a feather, push smoke into all rooms in your home. Start at the front door and move clockwise around the house, allowing the smoke to drift into closets and cabinets. Follow the same procedure in the basement so that your entire living space is smudged.
3. Once finished, place the sweetgrass braid onto a heat-safe surface. When cool store in a safe place.
Other Forms of Use: Make an infusion of sweetgrass for coughs, colds and sore throats. Can also be used to treat a tooth infection or to lower a fever.
The Thompson Indians used an infusion of the plant as a wash for their hair and body (Moerman 1986). The Blackfeet used sweetgrass as a hair rinse to achieve a lustrous shine. There are so many ancestral uses for this sacred plant ally, do some research to explore other ways of working with this plant!
Wildcrafted Sweetgrass Braids (Hierochloe odorata)