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Dragon's Blood Sangre de Drago

The name Dragon's Blood comes from this potent sap's intense red color. It is one of the many gifts of nature found in the Amazon Rainforest. Traditionally used by indigenous peoples to treat skin wounds, Dragon's Blood is known to have many other therapeutic and medicinal purposes. Research indicates that the resin is effective against insect bites, itchiness, and skin inflammation. In addition, this powerful healing medicine has a high concentration of antioxidants that attenuate the signs of aging, regenerating cells. 

Four Visions Dragon's Blood is wildcrafted, ethically sourced, and 100% pure, with only a drop of organic cane alcohol to prevent fermentation.  Truly one of the finest traditional botanicals available, an incredible healing tool to add to your natural medicine cabinet!

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Sap of the dragon tree, "Dragon's Blood" as its known, due to its intense red color, is native vegetation and one of the many gifts of nature found in the Amazon Rainforest. It is used by indigenous peoples to treat skin wounds, preventing them from becoming infected. It has many other therapeutic and medicinal purposes.

Research indicates that the resin is effective against insect bites, itchiness and skin inflammation. In addition, dragon blood has a high concentration of antioxidants that attenuate the signs of aging, regenerating cells. The curative power of the sap has a strong antiviral capacity particularly against upper respiratory viruses, stomach viruses and have even proven helpful with HIV; internally and externally for cancer and, topically, for skin disorders. 

Dragon's Blood is one of the finest traditional botanicals available. This is a wildcrafted, ethically sourced, ancient amazonian remedy.

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