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Mulateiro Beautiful Thoughts Hapé

Mulatiero Beautiful Thoughts Hapé is a beautiful medicine for calming the thoughts, reducing noise in the mind, and for grounding practices. It is a wonderful companion to spiritual prayer and meditation. Recommended for evening use to calm the mind and ease stress before restful sleep. 

Mulateiro is a tree found in the Amazon, it has been used since ancient times for its restorative, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial properties, as well as for treating diabetes and skin cancer. It is said that the Amazonian female warriors bathed on the night of the full moon with a preparation made of the bark of the Mulateiro tree to remain always young and beautiful, hence the Mulateiro was known among the tribes as the tree of youth. Men also drink the tea of this tree for vitality, strength, and stamina.

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Mulateiro is a tree found in the Amazon, it has been used since ancient times for its restorative, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial properties as well as treating diabetes and skin cancer. It is said that the Amazonian female warriors bathed on the night of the full moon with a preparation made of the bark of the Mulateiro tree to remain always young and beautiful, hence the Mulateiro was known among the tribes as the tree of youth. Men also drink the tea of this tree for vitality, strength and stamina.

Hapé is a very sacred herbal snuff, made by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. Hapé, or rapé, is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English and is applied using an applicator to blow the snuff up the nostrils in prayer and meditation. It is used to connect with Mother Nature. This healing snuff is used by traditional peoples to cleanse the mind, purify the thoughts, bring clarity, spiritual alignment, and clear negativity and heaviness from the body, mind, & soul.

The indigenous tribes have been working with this medicine for thousands of years to heal their communities and to connect with the Creator. This plant medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from native lands.

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