Chondur Root

A powerful root that grows undergound, the Chondur brings forth new life, freshness, and hope. The grandfathers and grandmothers teach that the Chondur are the little people who were sent here to care for and protect the big people, the humans who live above ground. A principle guardian plant for the Yagé cultures, the root is used to cut through dense energy, lower energetic noise, and calm strong spiritual processes. Its purifying properties help to dispel stagnant energies, and is often used to call upon the celestial guardians of Nature

Chord Cutting ~ Dense Energy ~ Spiritual Purification

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~Cleanses your energy field
~Calls forth energetic and spiritual protection~ Removes bitterness and cuts dense energy
~Fortifies your prayers and daily spiritual practice.
~Lowers energetic noise in the spiritual body and the mind (Beneficial for getting out of mind loops and blockages).
~Great to work with when completing cycles, cord-cutting and reclaiming your energy
~Grounding energy that is supportive in strong spiritual processes

There are many different types of chondur: Warmi Chondur (Woman's Chondur), Tigre Chondur (Tiger Chondur), and Wayura Chondur are just a few. This is Tiger Chondur, used to invoke the guardians of the Earth world, the four-leggeds. It is used to enhance spiritual clarity and safeguard practitioners from negative energies.
Chondur can be added to healing lotions, plant baths, or as a soplo. Traditionally, chondur is given to the student by the Taita or Shaman once the student has gone through various initiations. We share this powerful plant for personal use only. Applying chondur to others requires training and authorization. Thank you for respecting the ancestral wisdom traditions, lineages, and cultures.

Wild-harvested Tiger Chondur Root (Cyperus sp.1) from the Amazon

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